Mother's Day is coming...
Mother's Day is fast approaching and also happens to be my favorite holiday of the year! I think it may be because it is a day that is all about me and my beautiful children.
Well, this year it is all new, I am now married and have gained two additional children to which will get to share this holiday.
What do I want you ask, nothing too flashy just a new car maybe.
All joking aside what I really want is to jump in the car, husband and kids in tow and drive to Bishop for the weekend to be with my Nana. It has been just over 6 months since I last saw her and before that way longer (shame on me!).
She is a graceful 93 years old and just so happens to be MY person, she was always there for me growing up! From helping me out financially over the years when I wasn't doing so great to taking me to the DMV when I was 16 years old to get my driver's license. I miss her dearly, there isn't a day that goes by that she isn't somewhere in my thoughts.
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